Terry Sanderson memorial

Terry Sanderson memorial

Organisers: Keith Porteous Wood / National Secular Society
Date: Saturday 6 April 2024 13:00
Venue: Brookwood Cemetery, Cemetery Pales, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey, GU24 0BL
Fee: Free - guests are requested to register

Terry Sanderson was President of the NSS from 2006-2017. He was also a prominent gay rights activist and author. He sadly died of cancer in June 2022. He is survived by his partner, current NSS president Keith Porteous Wood.

The memorial will be held at Terry's grave at Brookwood Cemetery. He was interred near the grave of NSS founder Charles Bradlaugh. The event will be followed by a reception at Brookwood's non-religious chapel.

This event is open to anyone interested in Terry's life and work, which he detailed in his autobiography. We ask that guests register in advance. We will send more information on the event closer to the time.

Information for guests

Guests are asked to assemble at 1pm at the non-religious chapel, marked "124" on the cemetery map. We will then walk to the grave (at plot 108 on the map) where there will be some short speeches. Afterwards there will be light refreshments at the non-religious chapel. Please register (above) if you intend to come so we know how many to cater for.

The cemetery is easily reached by rail to the adjacent Brookwood Station; an unlocked iron gate leads from the station subway into the cemetery; turn left towards the chapel. There is car parking near the non-religious chapel. This is in the North cemetery.