Our Vision
A secular democracy where everyone is treated equally, regardless of religion or belief.
Our Mission
To build a freer, fairer and more tolerant society where people are free to follow the beliefs they choose and where no particular belief systems are privileged or imposed.
Our Work
We champion your right to live without people imposing their religious practices on you or society.
We Act
- To bring people together to build a freer, fairer and more tolerant society
- To create a secular society in which people of all religions or none can live together peacefully as equal citizens, by separating religion from state institutions and ensuring no religious beliefs or practices have undue influence on how you live your life. We believe this is the foundation of a free, fair and equal society
- By challenging the disproportionate influence of religion on governments and public life
- By campaigning to end religious discrimination and privilege in the UK
- By advocating on behalf of our members, lobbying governments and decision-makers to shape public policy
- By providing a secularist voice in the media, supporting key cases in the courts and helping local campaigners on issues like fair access to education
- By challenging privileges that limit freedom of choice, hinder access to education and health care, treat women as second-class citizens, discriminate against LGBT people, and give unfair advantage to select groups
- To prevent the reduction in freedom that happens when religion is privileged in education, law and society
For over 150 years we have driven reform that has improved people's lives. This includes removing blasphemy laws, defeating legal threats to free speech, championing gender equality, reproductive rights, same sex marriage, and holding organisations that turn a blind eye to child abuse to account.
We're standing up for your right to live freely, regardless of other people's religion or beliefs.
Equal treatment and freedom of belief for all.
Our campaigning and policy objectives are guided by our Secular Charter.