Freedom of religion or belief

Freedom of religion or belief

Secularism protects freedom of religion or belief for all.

Freedom of religion or belief is a secularist issue.

We defend freedom of religion, and freedom from religion.

Freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) is a fundamental human right. It is explicitly protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Protecting everyone's freedom to hold and express religious or non-religious beliefs equally is key to secularism. In a secular democracy, no religion or belief is advantaged or disadvantaged, which maximises true FoRB for all.

Some of the worst violations of FoRB occur in theocracies, where laws based on fundamentalist religious doctrine severely restrict other religions and beliefs. This can result in horrific persecution of religion and belief minorities, including those with no religion.

Crucially, FoRB is a qualified right. This means it can be limited where it may impact the rights and freedoms of others. Unfortunately, many religious groups falsely claim they are oppressed when they are prevented from interfering with the rights of others, including women, LGBT people and members of minority religion or belief communities.

FoRB protects people, rather than their beliefs themselves. It does not, and should not, shield religions from criticism or ridicule.

The NSS campaigns at the national and international level to uphold FoRB for all. We also work to ensure FoRB is limited where necessary, to ensure other human rights are not threatened by the imposition of religion.

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