

What we doing to be more accessible:

The National Secular Society is committed to increasing the accessibility of all our content and events.


Our websites have been designed with best practice and accessibility in mind for all users. If you should experience any difficulty accessing any information on this website, or would like to suggest improvements, please contact us.

Where ever possible alternative text is provided on images for those who are partially sighted and we are working to increase their use across current and legacy pages as well as optimising layout for those using assistive technology.

All webpages are available as PDFs. Most pages have a "print" link, or you can add "?format=pdf" to any URL, e.g.


Accessibility has been considered in the design templates of all our Newsletter emails, which are also always available in plain text.


We strive to ensure all events are accessible, including for those with mobility difficulties, and our major events all are. Occasionally despite our best efforts, fully accessible venues may not be available for small meetings.

All event staff and volunteers are made aware of accessibility issues and we are working to make events more accessible to those with hearing or sight impairments (see below). The events team should be on hand to assist before, during and after events.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.


We aim for all new video/audio content to be accompanied by subtitles/transcripts and are working through our archive. Where a human checked transcript is not yet available, we may use automated subtitles.

What you can do to improve accessibility:

  • Feedback: Nobody's perfect, but we do our best to take on board feedback and address problems. If we've missed something please get in touch.
  • Volunteer: If you can help us make our events more inclusive by providing British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation or other expertise, please get in touch.
  • Volunteer: If you're interested in reviewing closed captions for our videos please get in touch.

More information

  • Do you need help in making your computer easier to use? Ways you can make your keyboard and mouse, Windows, the internet and your favourite applications suit you and your needs.
  • BBC - My web my way. Further support with 'How to guides', including changing text, colours and fonts, make your computer speak text aloud, make your keyboard and mouse easier to use.
  • How to Turn On YouTube Subtitles. Most NSS video content (including videos of podcasts) comes with subtitles by default. Some of these are based on automatically generated subtitles and efforts to review and update these to provide the best experience for all users are ongoing.