MP Letter: Protect RSE

MP Letter: Protect RSE

Protect LGBT-inclusive education

Writing to your MP can help to get the campaign to protect LGBT-inclusive RSE in schools on the political agenda and show this is an issue their constituents care about. We campaign in parliament as an organisation, and your support will bolster our case. It is quick easy and helps your MP represent you in Parliament.

Tell your MP that they must protect LGBT-inclusive RSE.

Read our latest briefing on 'Protect LGBT-inclusive RSE' to ensure that you are up to date and well informed surrounding this issue.

Real people's personal stories help to show the significance of the issue to politicians and legislators. If you would like to contribute your own experiences and see other individuals' stories, please visit our supporter comment page.

  • Personalising your letter will make it more likely to have an impact.
  • MPs will respond to casework even if they disagree on policy, so remember to tell them if you are being personally affected by this issue.
  • Keep your thoughts brief. MPs are busy and get a lot of correspondence.
  • If you are not happy with an initial result, make sure you follow this up with them
  • Use clear and simple language.
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