Ep 20: Lee and Lizanne Harris – compulsory worship

Posted: Mon, 16th Dec 2019

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In this episode, Emma Park speaks with Lee and Lizanne Harris about their experience of the collective worship requirement in schools.

The Harrises recently initiated judicial review proceedings against the primary school attended by their children. They challenged its decision to provide no alternative to a proselytising Christian assembly once a week conducted by representatives of the local C of E church.

Lee and Lizanne discuss their children's experiences of these assemblies, what happened when they withdrew them, and the school's failure to provide a secular alternative until they were forced to by the threat of legal proceedings.

The Harrises' case has set a helpful precedent for other parents who may be torn between fearing that their children will be indoctrinated if they participate in religious assemblies, and that they will be excluded from school life if they do not.

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Lee Harris's 2018 blog for the NSS

C of E trust to introduce alternative to worship after legal challenge

More information and guidance from the NSS on collective worship

The requirement to hold collective worship in schools is crumbling and not worth saving

I'm listening to the latest episode of the NSS podcast. Hearing about the parents who challenged inappropriate Christian worship being directed by their school and pushed for an inclusive alternative.
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Tags: Collective worship

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