Win £250 – just write an uplifting Secular Thought for the Day

Posted: Thu, 21st Feb 2013

The ongoing irritation at the BBC's exclusion of secular voices from The Thought for the Day slot has spurred one the NSS's previous presidents, David Tribe, to sponsor a prize of £250 for the best secular Thought for the Day.

To win the prize, we are looking for a short essay in a similar format to the BBC's religious slot.

Thought for the Day is supposed to be an 'uplifting' reflection on a topical issue from a religious point of view.

To be in with a chance, your secular Thought should be between 450 - 650 words and be positive in approach and ideally related to a topical matter. We are not looking for a humanist Thought or an atheist Thought, but specifically for a secular Thought. We suggest you look at the NSS's Secular Charter for some ideas.

So, let's have some great (secular) Thoughts for the Day and good luck!

Send your Secular Thought for the Day to or by post to NSS, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Entries that require a great deal of correction or editing are unlikely to win the prize, so please let us have copy that is clean and finalised to your satisfaction. Please submit entries by Monday 18 March.

Reform Thought for the Day

In its current format Thought for the Day is discriminatory and shows too much deference to religion. Help us convince the BBC to change it.

Tags: Thought for the Day