MP Letter: Faith school admissions

MP Letter: Faith school admissions

Keep the 50% cap on faith school admissions

To appease demands from religious elites, the Government plans to open a new wave of faith schools which can select 100% of their pupils based on religion.

We need your help to make sure it doesn't.

Under the '50% cap' rule, new academies and free schools with a religious character in England may only select up to 50% of pupils based on religion when they are oversubscribed.

But following lobbying from the Catholic Church, senior officials at Downing Street are reportedly planning to remove the 50% cap.

Abolishing the cap would result in a new wave of religiously exclusive, segregated schools that disadvantage children most in need.

Please write to your MP TODAY to ensure our Government doesn't scrap the cap.


  • Personalising your letter will make it more likely to have an impact.
  • MPs will respond to casework even if they disagree on policy, so remember to tell them if you are being personally affected by this issue.
  • Keep your thoughts brief. MPs are busy and get a lot of correspondence.
  • If you are not happy with an initial result, make sure you follow this up with them.
  • Use clear and simple language.
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