MP Letter: Outlaw caste discrimination

MP Letter: Outlaw caste discrimination

Tell your MP that it's time for better legal protections against caste-based discrimination.

Outlaw caste discrimination

There are 50,000-200,000 people living in Great Britain who are perceived as "low caste", and are vulnerable caste-based discrimination, harassment and bullying in employment, education and in the provision of services.

However, caste is still not a specific protected characteristic within the Equality Act 2010, in spite of calls from the Equality and Human Rights Commission for caste to be included. As a result, caste-based discrimination effectively remains legal. Find out more here.

Please write to your MP and urge them to work to enable genuine protection for those vulnerable to caste-based discrimination, by advocating the inclusion of caste as a specific protected characteristic in the Equality Act 2010.

You can use the below template to share the report and its findings and recommendations with your MP; just enter your postcode to get started. Please consider taking the time to personalise it. Let your MP know:

  • Why this matters to you
  • What you'd like them to do about it.
  • Any other interesting perspectives you may be able to offer on the issue.
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